Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A lunch in our backyard

Yesterday Tiberias showed me he knows how to go down stairs and get off low things like Luke's bed. He knows how to go feet first and he's really good at it now that he knows that's how it's done.
Tiberias caught a disease The hand, foot and mouth disease. He probably got it from the cruise boat. There was a baby toy room that we let Ty play in often. I did not think to sanitize the toys before he used them.
His rashes have been really bad. He even got some blisters from them. Nothing in his mouth though. On his nose and face, hands, feet, knees and bottom.
He gave it to Sterling before we knew what it was. Sterling did get a rash but it was not sever and did not look bad like Ty's did.
Tiberias also gave it to Amber, the little girl I babysit daily. She got sick for a few days but only got a little rash. Her rash is now going away. Ty's is starting to get a little better. His looked terrible for a whole week! I did not know he had a disease until I took him to church Sunday and asked the bishop (who is a kid's doctor). He told me before church started that Ty had the disease and was contagious. That's when I warned Carla and also learned that day that Amber had the disease.

I figured the rashes were just Ty's body reacting to being sick. Last time he had been sick he broke out in a rash all over his body that looked to me like chicken pox. And since I had quite a few worries about my kids in the last month and it turned out each time that there was nothing to worry about...I decided this time it was the same thing. Only this time I was wrong. Ty has a disease and has been spreading it around.

Lachoneus is still not potty trained. He can get himself onto to the toilet, do his thing and wash his hands when he is done. He does not know how to get his underwear on. He can get his pants on though.
He still poops in his pants. He'll get on the potty and pee then get off only to poop in his pants two minutes later. It's so frustrating. The last few days I've been making Luke get on the potty every 30 minutes. If his underwear is dry he gets to put a sticker on his train chart. I drew a train on a track with a toilet at the end of the railway. If he has any pee on hid underwear or he poops in his pants he gets a frowny face on his chart instead of a sticker.

He is a smart boy when it doesn't come to potty training.
He knows most of his letters and some of his numbers. I bought some letters/numbers gummy candies. I show him one candy and if he properly tells me the name of it he gets to eat it. If not, it goes back into the bag.

Luke now properly answers the questions "What's your name?", "What's your brother's name?" and "Do you have a brother or a sister?"
He's learning "behind", "underneath", etc.

Tiberias is great with the sippy cups. He knows to hold the sippy higher, while drinking, if the cup starts getting low in liquid. And his arm and hand muscles have really strengthened in the last few weeks he's been learning to lift and use the sippy cups.