Sunday, February 19, 2012


Lately Tiberias pretends to taste the books we read. As we turn the pages he takes a finger and slides it across a page as if scooping food onto his finger. Then he puts it in his mouth and sucks. Then he does it again and again.
He doesn't enjoy being read to. He won't sit there and be happy looking at the pages while you read. He does like to get on and off my lap as I read and to try tasting all the pages. He even comes over to bop Luke on the head, trying to get his attention.

When Luke was a baby he loved being read to. He loved looking at the pages and sitting on my lap.

Now we have to get a big stack of books from the library every few weeks. Luke's teacher wants us to read to him every day and record what we read. Lachoneus loves being read too so it's not a big change for us.
Luke wants to read 10 books a day. Of course, we usually read 3 or 4 a day.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Show and Tell

Thursdays are Show and Tell in Luke's Preschool. I usually forget. They are bring something that is the color they are working on.

In an email from Luke's teacher she told me how yesterday's Show and Tell went, when I forgot to send him to school with something to show.

This is what she typed;

"During Show and Tell, Luke really wanted to present. So I got him a pink piece of construction paper and he stood in the middle of the carpet on the violin and faced his audience. He was very cute. He said, “It is pink paper.” Then everyone applauded him. Love him. Got to Love Him"