Wednesday, December 6, 2017

FIrst Time Testimony

Sunday Luke bore his testimony for the first time in sacrament meeting. He is 9 years old.
I went up with him and was behind him to give him confidence. He also wrote down his testimony and took it up with him to make sure he had words to say.

I am very proud of him.

Athena folded her own laundry today...for the first time ever. She is almost 4 years old and proves it more and more.

The start of a new Book/Record

I published the previous posts in a book. Now I am starting a new record for a future book.

Letting Santa into our lives

Santa with the boys:
We did not push Santa Clause in our house, Sterling and I. But we let Santa in. Mostly for the reason that it is customary here in America , so, we did not want our children ruining the magic for all those children who believe in Santa.

But the boys started asking too many questions last year. Ty was 6 and Luke was 8. Ty asked all the hard questions. So we told them the truth and how to keep it a secret so magic won't be dashed to pieces. 

Santa and Athena:
Athena loves the idea of Santa! She wants to meet him! She is almost four years old and talks about Santa and the North Pole.

We still don't push Santa in our house, Sterling and I. I do teach them about the Savior and Heavenly Father. And the true meaning of Christmas.
Today Athena starting asking hard questions...

"Is Santa king of the world?"
I replied, "No! Jesus is king of the world."
She responded "So Santa is Jesus' brother?" 
lol. I couldn't say "Yes." Because Santa isn't a real person.

Oh, the trouble with letting Santa into our lives.