Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Caring Children

 Watching old home movies from when Ty was a Toddler we can see how difficult he was to parent. Now he's so sweet. He still has anger and struggles to control it. But he is so kind and thoughtful. He tries so hard to please his teachers and his parents. He tries so hard to be his best self for himself as well. He wants to be proud of who he is. And for the most part he is proud of himself. 

Yesterday our family recorded a musical number Away in A Manger. We practiced for a month. Each of us learning our parts. Each having solos and vocal combinations.
Then when it was time to perform we decided to record we would have more than one chance to get it right. Here are the struggles we faced in this attempt: 

Athena wouldnt look at the camera and the kids wouldn't smile. Luke wouldn't look at the camera. Athena and Luke were yawning and moving around. Despite our forewarning "Look at the camera, smile, don't move around and realize that this is a video and people will be watching us." AND a bribe of a new flavor of Kit Kat for giving us their best performance. They still did terrible. 10 times!

One time I messed up my singing by forgetting when to sing. And one time there was no sound recorded. One time the National Anthem played during the performance (because we live on a military base). The very last recording was the one we used. Our best still included Athena and Luke looking away from the camera most of the time. Athena acted like a distracted and bored little girl. (But  that's what she was)
And Luke still acted like a teenager who just doesn't care. (Which is close to the truth too)

But it was good enough to show to family. 

This morning (Christmas Eve) we did a talent show with the Roundy clan. We played our video instead of performing live.
Athena was bored during the talent show so she played with my hair filling it with hair bows. Then she got my blanket and wrapped me in it. Then she massaged my shoulders! I said "You're spoiling me!"
Ty then chimed in "You're not spoiled but your kids are!" He's so sweet. He realizes how much "spoiling" they get verses me. Although, I do feel spoiled a lot of the time.
And Athena is so nurturing. She spoiled me then she asked "Is anyone else cold? I will go get you your blanky!" She loves taking care of others!

Luke and Ty are close friends as well as brothers. They love hanging out together and playing together. Luke loves teasing and torching Ty just a little. But Ty complains. It's only natural for a big brother to do that especially when Sterling is their daddy! Ster loves to tease and torcher... just a little. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

It's Like Having A Dog


 Families who have dogs can sometimes get tripped by those dogs. Don't believe me? Look it up on Youtube. I have been tripped by other people's dogs before. 

Lately I have been having this issue in my own home. By who? The littlest one we have.

When you have a small baby or toddler you are very careful not to step on them because you are really heavy and they are really fragile. But when your baby is almost seven years old you don't expect to step on them or trip over them. So you don't usually worry about it. And an almost seven year old moves super fast. They can go from a safe place to under your feet in no time!

But why would they do this? Here is the example of what happened today...

Athena was sitting down showing me her scrapped up knees that needed bandaids. She was crying and I expected her to stay in one place as I go get her bandaids. But then her brother started looking for the tv remote. And lately Athen freaks out when anyone looks for the tv remote. She claims it. She wants it to be her turn to watch tv all the time. 

When she realized Tiberias was going to watch tv she cried out "No! I was going to watch tv!" Even though she had just been outside playing and was planning to go back out with bandaids on.

And as she shrieked these words in a whiny tone she moved right into my path. I tripped over her midsection and landed on the hard floor on my arms. The landing wasn't too rough except that my pinky was bent on the nearby bench during the fall. 

My check gently pressed against the cold floor as my fall came to an end. 

The front door was open and Athena's friend Kailen watched the whole thing. Sterling was also in the kitchen. Although he didn't really see it. He didn't know what had happened.

Darn girl! She has tripped me probably three times in the last month! Although this was the first time I fell all the way down...laying on the floor on my face! Difficult girl.

The kids didn't fight anymore about the tv after that incident. I'm not sure what happened. Maybe Athena went outside and forgot about the tv and Ty was able to watch in peace.