Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Mood Flip

 This  morning Athena was feeling grouchy. Then she wanted to not wear her coat even though it is freezing outside. Like Tiberias at her age...she cares that people see her cool outfits and not hide them under coats. 

Then when she grabbed her bike she struggled with the kickstand. Usually I give in and just do it for her but she does know how to do it. So I told her I wasn't going to help. In her grouchy mood she made a few pathetic attempts to kick back the stand then pouted hoping I would come help. 

She was so mad by the time she actually got on her way. I said "I love you ! Have a great day!"
Then she flipped her mood to happy and loving because she loves her routines. She always says "I love you! See you after school!" And today was no different. It made me laugh! She flipped from super angry to happy and loving.

She's a sweet girl.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Gaming Systems in the 1840s

 On New Year's Eve we watched a movie as a family Tom and Huck by Disney.

Tiberias didn't understand the time frame of the story. Early in the movie Tom says to his aunt Pauley "I will go fetch the switch." I paused the film and asked my children if they knew what Tom was talking about. Now a days children know "the Switch" as being a gaming system. A reward...not a punishment.

Tiberias knew that this story was taking place in the past so he thought "What would be the old fashioned version of The Switch?" He responded to my question with "An NES?" 

HAHA. I had to tell my children that "A switch" use to be a twig for getting whipped in the butt with.