Saturday, March 27, 2021

Sakura Season Update

 Last night I allowed the boys to watch The Mummy for the first time. It's a really creepy and scary film.

Sterling has wanted to share that with the boys for a while now and I finally gave in.

Today at church Athena wanted to cuddle sitting next to me and have her arm tickled lightly. As she wants every Sunday. She doesn't care if it's Mom and Dad giving her affection but it's a good time where the parents are not busy doing anything else. So, she uses that situation to get the extra love she desires.

She is so affectionate by nature. 

She kept telling me things like "Mom, you are so lovely! And dainty!" and "You're so kind and wonderful!"

And I returned the compliments with some back at her..."You are so sweet and so loving. You are so cute!"

She enjoyed watching the babies during sacrament meeting . You know the ones...those that walk around munching on snacks and saying "hello" with their eyes as they go from family to family. All of my children enjoyed watching babies like that now.

Lachoneus passed the sacrament as we does each time we attend church. She is starting to look like a teenager a little bit. My friend Laura Elliott said it a few days ago and now it really is starting to show.

Athena will be in activity day girls in less than a year! At activity day boys some of the new members to the group are so little. They may be 8 years old but they don't quite look it. And it just reminds me how close Athena is to that. She looks as old as those boys.

And Tiberias? He is just making us proud, as all our children are. He is doing well in school and he is so fun. Just a great person! He only has Brandon near our house. Luckily, Brandon's family isn't planing to move away anytime soon. A lot of people are moving this summer ...away from here.

He also is close friends with Escher who lives a few streets over but will come over here to play. And Luke's friend Ethan comes over often now. Ever since we got the trampoline last Christmas Eve. It's a great safe place for the kids to hang out.

Athena has plenty of friends around here. It's just perfect right now. No bullies or problem children living close to us or in our lives. 

Lachoneus went on a young men's campout a couple weeks ago. He loved it.
The kids get to go swimming once a month with a dad and mom don't have to attend.
Spring break is on right now. Unfortunately it's the Japanese schools spring breaks at the same time.
So far Ster and I have built the kids a little cardboard building, Athena had a tea party with her friends, Luke and Mom went on an outing where we ate pizza at a Japanese restaurant next to a busy train track and ordered an expensive plushie online (White Cappie), Tiberias and Mom went on an outing to the BX where Ty had a shopping spree to spend up to $20 on anything he wanted. He chose a nerf gun style set of two guns and a bunch of junk food. We also ate at BK and shared a chocolate milkshake. Tiberias was surprised at how delicious a milk shake is! He is use to ice cream only.

Sterling took the week off of work for this week and we have many fun family plans approaching.

Life is amazing!