Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tiberias is 2 years and 3 months old.
He talks a lot and uses many words. I still can't understand a lot of what he says though. He looks so different from how he looked at 6 months and then 12 months. But I can see it's him when I watch homevideos at different ages. He has some mannerisms that have not changed. lol
And he's adorable with beautiful blue eyes still.

After church Sunday we had a little meeting in the gym and the kids were playing on the gym floor. Some older kids were sliding(scooting) on the floor and Ty did the same, following after them. It was so cute.

Tiberias is so social! He wants to play with friends every day! Last week we played with his friends (the Mangles) two days in a row and the next day he was begging to play with friends. He often begs to play with friends. I am thinking of putting him in the Aviano Parent Coop. It's a unique program where parents apply as if applying for a real job. When they ok'd they can drop their children off with other children to play a few hours a day for up to six days a week. Other parents are in charge of the kids. You get six days to leave your kids and then you do one day of watching other people's kids.
It's a program so kids get social play often and parents can go 1) to the gym 2) shopping  3) out to lunch etc.

He loves to have my attention. He says "Mom, watch this!" and then he'll come up with something (anything) silly to do. It might be a jump, a spin, or a silly sound. But he'll do it again and again coming up with different things or the same things to show off for me.
Then when he plays in the front driveway with Luke he whines if I'm not actively watching him. He'll say "Mom, look at me!" Often I stand in the house by the window and look out at him every minute to keep him happy. I'll stand there watching a tv show.  :)

I look at him and cannot believe how big he is! Sterling says if we tried to potty train him he'd probably have it within 6 months. Ty does like to sit on the potty but he's yet to actually pee in the potty. And I have NO motivation to start potty training! It took Luke 2 years to learn it! So I don't want to start again. I hate it!

Lachoneus is 4 years and 4 months old. He can read small words. I don't spend much time with him teaching him to read but if I did he would be incredibly impressive. He already is impressive. So smart!

Luke was delayed in social skills and is still working to be caught up in that area. He was delayed in learning to be speak and be really imaginative. Ty has no issues in those areas.
But Luke is so smart! He knows many shapes including cylinder and Hexagon. He know his colors, alphabet identification and can tell you what letter a word starts with.

Both boys love our puppy! Cora spends a lot of time in her kennel and in the backyard. But a few times a day we let her play in the house, supervised. They love it when she licks their faces. They like to run with her and cuddle her.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Tiberias use to eat almost anything you gave him. But just before turning 2 years old he started to get picky. And it continued until he'd eat less and less food options. It seems he now has to be in the mood for a food or he won't eat it.

Luke has been a picky eater for a long time! There are things Luke NEVER ate well. He has always hated marshmallows and bananas...possibly for their textures.

Both my boys have learned to use a spoon late because I gave them the opportunity late. And now a lot of the time I serve them finger food.
Even when I give them a spoon it doesn't mean they will try to use it. Tiberias is trying to learn to eat with a spoon now but it's slow going. He is two years and almost three months olds now.