Wednesday, December 6, 2017

FIrst Time Testimony

Sunday Luke bore his testimony for the first time in sacrament meeting. He is 9 years old.
I went up with him and was behind him to give him confidence. He also wrote down his testimony and took it up with him to make sure he had words to say.

I am very proud of him.

Athena folded her own laundry today...for the first time ever. She is almost 4 years old and proves it more and more.

The start of a new Book/Record

I published the previous posts in a book. Now I am starting a new record for a future book.

Letting Santa into our lives

Santa with the boys:
We did not push Santa Clause in our house, Sterling and I. But we let Santa in. Mostly for the reason that it is customary here in America , so, we did not want our children ruining the magic for all those children who believe in Santa.

But the boys started asking too many questions last year. Ty was 6 and Luke was 8. Ty asked all the hard questions. So we told them the truth and how to keep it a secret so magic won't be dashed to pieces. 

Santa and Athena:
Athena loves the idea of Santa! She wants to meet him! She is almost four years old and talks about Santa and the North Pole.

We still don't push Santa in our house, Sterling and I. I do teach them about the Savior and Heavenly Father. And the true meaning of Christmas.
Today Athena starting asking hard questions...

"Is Santa king of the world?"
I replied, "No! Jesus is king of the world."
She responded "So Santa is Jesus' brother?" 
lol. I couldn't say "Yes." Because Santa isn't a real person.

Oh, the trouble with letting Santa into our lives.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Lachoneus' School Year

Last school year Luke had a terrible time trying to focus and get work done in class and on time.
We motivated him by having that be his way of getting his electronic time and earning his prize for the week.

This year he was a fun and, I think, lenient teacher. But he also gets most of his work done in class and on time...which is amazing! It makes my life so much easier!

He isn't ahead of his class in reading but I think he is doing great. I don't mind if it's not the school's standard for his grade. He reads often. This year his homework is simply to read 20 minutes every day. Sometimes I read to him because I just don't have the patience to get through a book he is reading or he is having trouble understanding what he is reading because I picked too advanced a book.

Luke loves Shel Silverstein poems so that is a fun thing for him to read. He also loves Captain Underpants. So he reads and rereads that one.

Tiberias also has little homework this year. I really appreciate it because I am very busy this year! Sometimes Ty brings home a book to read or a homework assignment but not that often.

Luke is great at math! I am proud of him!
He struggles most with writing. He has always had a problem writing his own words...coming up with his own words. That is where he sometimes doesn't get his work done on time in class. Writing assignments.

Luke is older this year than last and I just have Luke do his unfinished assignment by himself. He doesn't really need my help with it. :D

I am Primary President (since like May of this year) and teaching Preschool from inside my home two days a week (two classes a day).

I also have the boys going to Karate class Mondays evenings and Saturday mornings with Luke going to cub scouts Wednesdays. Ster or I always go to cub scouts. I have to oversee it and Ster is the bear's 2nd leader. But Ster works every other week at night so when he can't go I bring all the kids and go help out.

Luke has earned a lot of cub awards this year and he enjoys cub scouts. Although, Ster and I think the church should drop the program.

Luke and Ty have earned two stripes on their white belts since they joined karate in March. They love to advance and I am very proud of them.

Tiberias' Talents

Tiberias is doing great this school year. He needed that extra year in kindergarten. Now he is thriving. He is reading so well! He is loved by his teacher and he loves her so much in return.

Tiberias is great at remembering music. Lyrics and notes. He sings songs (the notes) from memory and it amazes me.

Sterling and I were watching Cast Away. The three kids walked into the room and we allowed them to stay and watch with us. It was a part in the movie where Tom Hanks wears his shirt on his head and he looks like a shepherd from Bible times. Tiberias started singing "If I were a shepherd" on repeat. It's a lyric from a song he is learning in primary about the nativity.
After singing that for over a minute he looks at the tv again and Tom Hanks is paddling his raft against the tide...trying to get away from the island. Ty's singing switching to "Row Row Row Your Boat" lyrics. It was so funny that Ty was creating his own soundtrack to the movie. And Ty is so creative and funny.

He is 7 years old and still stands out from other children. He still says things in his own way. And he still surprises people with the things he says. The missionaries and sister missionaries are always entertained by Tiberias. His primary teachers and school teachers are as well.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

New Adventures- Karate & Gymnastics

How to teach my 3 year old that her birthday is almost a year away?! She comments multiple times a day about her birthday. She might be telling me what kind of cake she wants or that she is going to get presents. Somtimes she says "My birthday is coming!" or..."it's for my birthday." Every time I buy ice cream, make cake of any kind, or have a party or friends come over she thinks it's time for her birthday party. I tell her again and again that her birthday is not is too far away. But she won't give up.
My husband said "make her a paper chain so she understands just how far away it is." That would be a heck of a long chain! But I'm seriously considering doing it. A chain of weeks (not days) until her birthday.

 If I do make one...I will probably mark fun occasions on it...a link for Halloween, a link for mommy's birthday , etc.

Athena started Gymnastics at the Gymnastics Academy over a week ago. She only goes once a week for an hour. I sit and watch and refrain from giving instructions or getting involved. This is very difficult for me as I am her teacher in all things until now.
She will get the hang of it and learn to love it even though it's work. The class is fun but she has t learn to follow instructions instead of doing whatever she wants in the gym.

She only goes once a week but has a lot to learn. So I watch during class and I make notes of what we need to work on at home. We do a little gymnastics practice at home every day.

 Tiberias is doing great in school! And he started doing karate class over a week ago. He goes to karate for one hour every Monday evening and Saturday afternoon. He is a bit young to really appreciate karate. He thinks an hour is too long and wastes his time. He has a hard time getting started. But I think this will be amazing for him. And I look forward to a year from now to see where my boys are at in Karate.
I thought Tiberias was going to be our athletic boy but so far that's not the case. He can't do a jumping jack correctly. He loves flying around the room with punches and kids like a power ranger. But try to get him to stand still and do karate moves in the right time and he doesn't do so well.
He is very disappointed that he doesn't get to fight people in karate. lol. But I believe he will come to love it over time.

Luke also started karate with Ty. This is a blessing because it gives them comfort and courage to take on this adventure together. 
Luke is anything but athletic. However, he tries hard in karate. He is working hard. It's impressive.
He does the moves with enthusiasm and speed trying to be amazing it at. 
I think this class will make him more athletic and be very good for him.