Monday, September 26, 2022
Saturday, September 24, 2022
This morning Tiberias dressed for church and came to me for help getting his hair styled. When I saw his outfit I said "You are dressed like a clown." His shirt was a striped white, aqua green and grey. His tie was a blue and silver square pattern. It clashed and was too busy.
Tiberias responded "I don't look like a clown! Clown's wear RED! I don't have any red on!" LOL
Athena likes babies now...human babies! During sacrament meeting she wanted to rub toddler Ezra's head the whole time. He was right behind us standing and playing with Athena. She had her Poochy character plush and was playing with him. To be fair....His hair is really soft.
Just Going to the Dentist
All of the kids had dental appointments this last week. The dentist said Tiberias teeth are in really good condition. When it was Athena's turn the dentist said that her teeth were in pretty good condition. She had two tiny cavities that are not a problem and might go away on their own. Athena needs to start flossing to prevent more mini cavities inbetween her teeth.
At Luke's appointment the dentist said that Luke's teeth are in really good condition except...his second moler on his right side is coming in underneath his first moler. Meaning, he will probably need surgery down the line to remove one moler. Then he might need braces to correct the other moler.
Athena's visit was pretty funny to watch.
First she needed xrays of her teeth. The big piece that is placed inside your mouth...she didn't like it. Athena pulled it out and said "That's not comfortable." She seemed to expect that she wouldn't have to have xrays done simply because she wasn't comfortable. I had to say "Athena, it isn't comfortable but you have to deal with it. Make it happen." She then did what she needed to.
Next when she was laying down in the dentist chair and it was time to wash out her mouth and use the suction straw to remove the water etc, she raised her hand and stopped the straw from entering her mouth. "I don't want that!" she stated. Pretty soon she found out that she was going to have to allow the vacuum inside her mouth against her wishes as well.
The dental nurse thought Athena was spunky and ...she really is.
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Update on the Kids
Athena learned about the Cheshire cat, from Alice in Wonderland…when I started hosting Wonderland tea parties. However, she got it stuck in her head that it is pronounced Majeshire Cat. She always says “majeshire cat”…as if that’s his name. It’s actually cute and funny. I remind her the real name and she almost immediately reverts back to majeshire.
Tiberias found a new friend at Middle School…Kai. He likes manga/anime. He lives here on the east side and is about the same age. That’s exciting and wonderful. Now Ty, Logan, Kai ,sometimes Brandon and sometimes Escher run around making up games they call “Larping.”But more than acting things out they just verbally create characters and a story and walk around creating this story. They don’t dress up for it but they do sometimes carry around toy weapons, swinging them around , as they talk.
Lachoneus is in high school now. One day at the beginning of the school year I went to his school to substitute. I was in the lunch room monitoring the entire school during their lunch break when I observed Luke. He sat at a table with three friends. Two I knew and one new friend. 1st, I was excited that Luke is social enough to choose to sit with friends. The high school has a “wall flower” option; nice comfy chairs for sitting alone …against the wall, with a tray table, watching the rest of the high schoolers. 2nd I was excited that Luke had a new friend…and furthermore…this friend dressed and looked like a normal kid. Not a weird kid. Luke is weird and his friends are weird. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I myself, Tiffany, was weird in high school (by choice)! Normal was boring. I wanted to have fun! I wanted to be different in an interesting way.
It wasn’t long though before this new friend showed his true colors. He placed his lunch bag over his hair…on top of his head and left it there for 35 minutes! Until the bell rang.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Athena's Ironing Solution
Athena has been making her own pearler bead creations lately. ironing them herself too. Well, today when she had finished making a creation I went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. I saw an electrical cord coming out of the bottom of the fridge. I found inside...the iron. Hiding behind the milk! Why?! I pulled it and witnessed a melted creeper stuck to the iron. I guess she over heated it and didn't know what to do?!
Don't put my appliances in the refrigerator! Just ask for help!
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Summer 2022
In My Closet
A frustrated voice you don't want to hear from your child in their bedroom: "Stop living in my closet!"
This is the statement Tiberias exclaimed quite loudly this afternoon.
Thankfully, his friends Branden and Calleigh were in the bedroom with him. He wasn't alone. haha
"Poke, Punch!"
Lachoneus has gotten used to poking Ty as a way to love and tease him at the same time. Tiberias got sick of this and Luke had to try to stop. It was not easy for Luke! A bad habit sticks hard.
Today Ty said "Luke says he doesn't want to be punched but then he pokes me anyway!"
I guess Ty has a new game to play similar to "Punch Buggy"..."Poke, Punch!" Have at it Ty.
This summer Luke has been antisocial. During the school year he would hang out with friends on the bus, maybe at school, after school game club and sometimes after school or on the weekends.
Since summer began he has ignored my encouragement to hang out with friends.
He has been getting his exercise with the help of his fitness watch. He gets out of the house a little bit.
In a couple weeks we go to America for a month. There he will have some time to hang out with some of the cousins around his age. Ben, Spencer, Sarah, Ezra and Lincoln. That will be good.
Tiberias has three friends I would call his best friends. Branden, Logan and Calleigh. They play LARP together and Super Smash Bros video game.
He has other friends...Escher and Jack. But those friends don't LARP. They don't know kid/teen anime the way Calleigh and Branden do. I don't think Logan knows anime but he plays LARP anyway.
Anyway, Calleigh moves away in a few weeks. When we are gone on vacation. Ty is going to miss her.
But, in America this summer he will get to reunite with one of his friends who moved from Japan about a year ago...Porter Kartchner. The Kartchners live in the Provo area so we will get to spend time with them.
This summer Athena has played with friend long and hard. All day sometimes. Outside, inside, wild and calm. Plus we have had some summer day camps with friends. 1) shirt painting, games, make our own snack -cookies 2)tiaras, popcorn and a movie at the USO theater room 3) Pirate themed water play at our house
We've also gone to the outdoor pool twice.
We are super excited for our trip to America. The kids are excited for the flight. Well, maybe not Luke. But I am all set, as the mom, because I got some medicine from the Dr to calm my nerves and help me deal with the flights.
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Boys Just Don't See Details?
Yesterday morning Mom dyed Athena's hair purple. It happened in the center of the livingroom while Athena watched TV. Luke was around. Ty was around. It took atleast half an hour to apply the dye and another half hour to let it set in before washing it out.
Athena had cute purple hair all day.
At 9:30pm we gathered as a family for prayer. When Dad and Mom mentioned Athena's new purple hair Luke said "I didn't know her hair was purple. I didn't notice."
?! It's such a big change! It's so obvious!
Sterling said "When you get use to seeing people all the time you stop seeing the details and you just see them."
Mom was shocked at both of those remarks! Maybe it's a guy thing?
Sunday, May 1, 2022
Syrup Drink?
Athena still struggles with a sugar addiction. Last night I made buttermilk syrup and allowed her to taste it. She thought it was delicious.
I told her we'd have it with our german pancakes in a few days.
This morning I woke up and found that 3/4 a cup of syrup had been removed from the container. She had drunken it!!
We went to church and when sacrament meeting ended I realized that when Athena vanished so did my phone! I went to her classroom and sure enough, it was there. I need my phone and you definitely don't!
Ty's Race Mistake
Saturday the kids and Mom went to a fund raiser run for the middle school. Tiberias had eaten a breakfast sausage croissant. The race was at 9am.
Luke and Ty tried running the mile. As Ty moved along his chest began to hurt and it slowed his run down. "I shouldn't have had that breakfast sandwich!" he cried.
He kept trying. He kept going. But that breakfast was obviously a mistake!
Something Happens with Luke's Brain When He Leaves The House
Lachoneus and Tiberias get along pretty well. And at home they hang out together. But they are interested in very different things. Ty plays pretend anime scenes alone and with friends. He watches kids anime cartoons and creates his own anime characters. He reads kids Manga and listens to music.
Luke plays video games and listens to audio books mostly. So the boys dont have much to do together in those categories. They wrestle and tease each other. They beat on each other jokingly, mostly. They jump on the trampoline together sometimes.
Well, lately when they leave the house (go to the library or a store) Tiberias knows what he wants to do. He knows which aisles he wants at the library and what he is looking for at the stores (anime/manga figurines). But Luke doesn't know what to do in those places. He doesn't have books he wants to check out or items he looks to purchase. So, he follows Tiberias around. It's gotten to the point where Luke is like a shadow of his brother. Wherever Ty goes like is in his bubble! Right next to him! Tiberias begs for space. He tells Luke to go away. But Luke is just drawn to stay in Ty's bubble! Like a zombie...trying to intimidate Ty by standing in his space and looking down at him! It's really bothers Ty! Sometimes I think Luke is doing it to try and annoy his brother. Other times it seems Luke becomes a shadow with no ideas of his own.
Atleast back up, Luke!!! HAHA
So, mom was started saying "Come with me, Luke" and having him become her shadow.