Another funny story about Athena
Two nights ago I went to sleep. At 10:30pm Sterling came into our bedroom and it woke me up. So he said "Athena is downstairs." Surprised because she went to bed at 8:20pm. So Sterling went to put Athena back to bed and I fell back to sleep.
Athena was at the time grounded from electronics and had wasted her snack before bed time so...she went to bed hungry. So, it made sense that she would be downstairs to consume one taken away privilege or the other. Or both.
Sterling woke me again and said that she has on the couch and might have been trying to watch tv or eating food and hiding the wrappers inside the couch. He said that we could investigate in the morning.
I went back to sleep.
When Sterling got up at 5am he messaged my phone because I was asleep. The message showed images of a backpack filled with stuff. His words "This was where I found Athena last night. Toys, food and a water bottle. Was she trying to fun away?" LOL
When I went downstairs and looked at the backpack I knew what was going on. She keeps this backpack filled like this all the time now. It's her "Last to leave challenge" supplies. She loves to play the last to leave challenge with her friends. It might be on the trampoline or the playhouse or a bedroom. And those are her supplies. So, when she got up she was probably using her backpack to get something to eat.
When Athena got up that morning she said that she had no memory of getting out of bed!
This is very believable as Athena becomes a zombie when she sleeps. She can get up and walk around talking and even crying and never remember it the next day!