Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cute Little Moments

Yesterday I was feeding Tiberias little tastes of bread. I decided to see if he would try and pick it up with his own fingers. So I help a tiny piece in my palm in front of him and said "Can you get it yourself?" He took a moment to decide what to do. Then he leaned forward until his face was to my palm! lol! Cute kid.

This morning when I came downstairs from my shower I found Lachoneus had been up to some trouble. My daily showers are short because I have kids to take care of, but it doesn't take long for a 2yr old to get into mischief.
Unfortunately I found a wine glass broken on the tile floor. Luckily Luke didn't get hurt. The wine glass was a gift Ster bought from work (a fund raiser) for me for Vday. It had a delicious desert in it when he bought it. I had shared it with Sterling and left the glass by the tv the night before. That was a mistake.

Anyway, the reason I am telling this story is because of what happened as soon as I saw the broken glass. Luke knew he was in trouble. Before I said anything he walked over and put himself in Time Out. lol.

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