Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Missing Daddy

In the past week Lachoneus has been showing me that he wants his daddy to come home. When he draws with chalk he tells me he's drawing daddy come home. When he plays with his cars he tells me daddy is in one of those cars on his way home.
So cute! We are counting down the days on a calendar so Luke can see how long until daddy does come home.

Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30

Today I took my boys to a fun park. It was kind of hot and so after some fun play time Lachoneus, Tiberias and I sat down in the shade, under one of the playgrounds.
Whenever we go to a park Luke points out the spiderwebs. He likes cartoon spiders and songs/books about spiders. But real spiders and spider webs he does not like.

About a month ago he told me, that he thinks they are scary. So today at the park, underneath the playground, he asked me to find him something out of the diaper bag to clean up the webs with. It was really cute. He is good at cleaning but I told him we should leave the spiderwebs where they are.

We came home from the park and I started making lunch. Tiberias then started clapping. For the first time on his own! He knows how to clap! So I recorded it.

About a month ago Tiberias would rather walk (with help)than crawl. Now he is so use to crawling that when I do try to help him walk he has no interest in it. He sits himself down and crawls away. I love it!

He is 9 months old, so he doesn't need to be walking yet. And he got his first tooth last week! The second one is starting to come in as well.

Ty will not stay still for a diaper change or clothes change. He tries to crawl away. I think that's normal for his age.
He tries to climb the stairs any chance he gets. I let him/go with him once in a while so he can get better at it. But he wants so much to learn to go back down the stairs...which he tries to do head first.

He loves eating chalk! Grass and dirt he's fond of. But his favorite is baby wipe. He is determined to suck on the baby wipes. yuck.

Lachoneus has started helping me more with the baby. If Ty gets past my stair blocker Luke will go on the stairs with Ty, as if trying to make sure he doesn't fall...and he will yell to me that Ty is on the stairs.
If I tell Ty not to do something and he does it Luke will tell Ty not to do it as well.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lachoneus is doing so awesome now with communicating and socializing. He has been spending a lot of time with friends lately. I've been babysitting and having playdates.

Luke can now tell me what sounds different animals make. He sings or recites songs. He tries to sing the alphabet (usually the Super Why show version AlphaPig sings). And he even recites books I have read to him so many times.

Today he started telling me he needs to go to the bathroom instead of just wetting his pants. He did this all day!

He is adorable!
But there are his trials too. He has started yelling at Tiberias. If Ty tries to play with a toy Luke has he yells "No! Mine!" He will yell at him to leave or leave the room. Trying to teach him to not yell at the baby, to be nice to the baby, is really hard right now.

And he has started pretending to get hurt or really hurting himself to try and get out of things he does not want to do. He pretends he cannot do things he does not want to when I tell him he has to. It's the 2 yr old version of lying.

Here is a video of Luke reading Dump Trucks. He recited the book to me almost perfectly the other day but in this video he repeats the first page a lot and misses many words. It is still adorable to hear though!