Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Baby Game

One of Tiberias' favorite games is "The Baby Game." He loves to pretend he is a baby. This games entails him crawling, learning to walk, learning to use a spoon, going down for naps, being held by mommy, etc. It also includes mommy picking him up to put him in his crib (aka the couch) and getting him out when he wakes a minute later. This game requires kisses from mommy and praise at how big he is getting and how well he is learning.  :)

As a 4 year old he gets a lot of encouragement to be a  big boy. To be independent. And to help out at home. Whereas Athena gets always praise and love and playing. She gets to be held all the time. When Ty asks to be held, which is often, we always says "You are too big."

So I indulge him with the baby game. He is still very young. And his love languages are (equally) words of affirmation and touch. He has to be coddled and praised and loved.  It's adorable!

I do recall when Tiberias was a baby...Luke made his own version of the baby game. He wanted to play and pretend he was a baby. I don't think he ever did it as much as Ty likes to do it. But Luke has a different personality and different love language. 

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