Saturday, October 29, 2016

Trunk or Treat/Ty's 1st Sleepover

Sterling and I planned a date to see GhostBusters in the base theater. The military theater is free of charge and plays movies that are no longer in regular theaters.
However, the ward Trunk or Treat date moved from mid October to the same night the base theater is playing the movie. So we decided to kill two birds with one stone...give each child to a different family who is going to the Trunk or Treat. That way we have babysitters for our movie and the kids still get to attend the Trunk or Treat that Ster and I don't care to attend.

Luke went to Logan Stone's house. Tiberias went to Eli Hickman's house. Athena went to Chloe Duvorak's.

Luke and Ty decided to be Power Rangers for the Trunk or Treat. To match. So I decided Athena would be adorable being a Power Ranger too. Then people would know they belong to the same family. Unfortunately I didn't have a Dino Charge Power Ranger costume for Athena to really match her brothers. But it's cute still.

Before the party we all went as a family to have dinner at Sam's Club. We bought a delicious pizza and ate there. Then we rushed home to get costumes on, take a portrait and get the kids to their friends' homes.

Ster and I enjoyed a movie out without the kids. We went home as the church party was ending. So Athena was dropped off at our house as soon as we got home. Luke came home a little later. And Tiberias was at his first ever sleepover.

One time, I think at the Stone's house, Luke tried having his first ever sleepover. He ended up coming up before midnight.
So he might have been the age Ty is now.

Tiberias is great at sleeping at night. So I thought he would do fine. He doesn't need music to sleep. He just needs a nightlight (preferably his that doesn't create scary shadows around the room).
Sterling and I were still awake when the Hickmans called last night. Tiberias was sleepwalking. He was apparently trying to find the restroom. He went downstairs, walking in circles mumbling and laughing. Then he peed his pants.
He did that once before at home a couple months ago. Ster and I were watching tv that time and Ty came out sleepwalking and mumbling. He got to outside the bathroom then didn't go in but kept moving around. Then he peed his pants. That woke him up.

This time Ster went over to the Hickmans. By the time he got there (it's only a five minute drive) Ty was changed and asleep. So Ster just brought his peed clothing home and left Ty there. It's now 10:40am the next day. Ty made it through his first night at a sleepover. I hope he had a lot of fun.

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