Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tiberias' Talents

Tiberias is doing great this school year. He needed that extra year in kindergarten. Now he is thriving. He is reading so well! He is loved by his teacher and he loves her so much in return.

Tiberias is great at remembering music. Lyrics and notes. He sings songs (the notes) from memory and it amazes me.

Sterling and I were watching Cast Away. The three kids walked into the room and we allowed them to stay and watch with us. It was a part in the movie where Tom Hanks wears his shirt on his head and he looks like a shepherd from Bible times. Tiberias started singing "If I were a shepherd" on repeat. It's a lyric from a song he is learning in primary about the nativity.
After singing that for over a minute he looks at the tv again and Tom Hanks is paddling his raft against the tide...trying to get away from the island. Ty's singing switching to "Row Row Row Your Boat" lyrics. It was so funny that Ty was creating his own soundtrack to the movie. And Ty is so creative and funny.

He is 7 years old and still stands out from other children. He still says things in his own way. And he still surprises people with the things he says. The missionaries and sister missionaries are always entertained by Tiberias. His primary teachers and school teachers are as well.

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