Monday, March 11, 2019

Little Kids and Locking Doors

Not all of the funny stories that happen end up being blogged. But my kids love hearing about the funny things they did and said when they were younger.

Today I remembered one worth recording:

Little kids love to lock doors. But locking a door is always easier than unlocking a door!
I find that most kids at age 2 or 3 start locking the bathroom door when they go in. They lock out mom. Maybe trying to feel some independence.

This often turns into "Mom! I'm stuck!"

One time, Tiberias was probably 3 years old, my mom and I took Luke and Ty to a small town restaurant where my parents live. It had a small bathroom like one in your home. A single toilet in a single small room with locks on the door.

Tiberias went in to the restroom and locked himself in. He could not unlock it to get back out. I could not help him out. So I tried to talk to him through the door to tell him how to unlock it.
I tried and tried. The other customers sitting to eat their meals were staring at us! haha
We went for help from the staff. But it took a while! It is not a kid friendly bathroom!

The sad part was that Tiberias was freaking out. He was so scared. I had to try and calm him down through the sound of my voice.
I think Tiberias learned a lesson that day about locking mommy out.

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