Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Gum in the Eyebrow

Sterling gave the kids each a gumball from our gumball machine.
An hour later I told the boys to do their yoga for the day (something we've been doing lately).
I saw the boys stretching in yoga positions when I noticed Ty's face. He had gum stuck to his forehead, hair line and eyebrow!

I examined it and he claimed he didn't know how he got it stuck on his forehead.
I saw that the gum was stuck pretty good. It stuck and he had removed as much as he could himself. He had pulled the gum from his eyebrow multiple times. And with the gum came his eyebrow hairs! He is now missing a whole section of hair in the center of his left eyebrow!

He is, of course, embarrassed. So, I wont take a photo and make him feel worst.
But it is pretty funny!

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