Sunday, October 13, 2019

General Conference Sunday in Japan

Lately Ster and I have been making Athena time things with her Alexa computer. For example; setting times for her time outs or her playing alone. Well, this evening Ster and I were watching a show and Athena wanted to talk. Our show was almost over so Sterling said "Go play for a minute and then our show will be over."
Athena went to her bedroom and about 60 seconds later her alarm was going off. She opened her door and headed bad to us. Sterling said "I didn't mean literally a minute!"

We went to the church today to watch a session of general conference with our ward. After a fun potluck hour with the ward we sat down to reverently watch the Sunday afternoon session. Tiberias groaned and said "Here I can't sleep during conference!" lol
A little later in the session Ty scribbled on a piece of paper like a three year old and then said "Darn! This is NOT turning out the way I wanted!" What was he trying to do, anyway?! haha

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