Thursday, February 27, 2020

Venom in the Dark

Venom is super creepy! Even though Ty has not seen the movie (he's too young) he still gets scared. BUT...he likes Venom at the same time. So, when I wanted to make plushies for the kids Venom was what Ty wanted.

The problem:
When we lived in South Dakota Ty had a big plastic Venom figure...action figure. But Ty hated it at night because just knowing it was in his bedroom with him creeped him out. So, we got rid of that Venom. He didn't want it.
Now, he likes his homemade Venom plushie night in the dark it creeps him out. Just knowing it's in the same room as him is too much.
Plushies belong under the bed. But having Venom there is creepy. So, recently, Venom has been placed in my room for night time. It works fine for me.

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