Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Swear Words

Yesterday evening Luke, Ty, Athena and I were in the living room together. Luke (age 11) jokingly said “I have a phobia of hearing the ‘F’ word.”
Athena (age 6) chimed in “Is the ‘F’ word ‘fart’?”
I said “If it was you’d be grounded for saying it.”

She then asked “Is the ‘B’ word ‘butt’?”
Brothers both chuckled. Ty (age 9) responded “no, I know what the ‘bit**’ word is.” He had accidentally said the “B” word. He froze knowing the mistake he made.

Luke cracked up in laughter.
Hopefully the word didn’t attach itself in Athena’s memory. She moved on as if it didn’t faze her...she isn’t familiar with the word.

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