Thursday, September 10, 2020

Athena's PTO Meeting

 Today was my first general meeting as PTO president at Ty and Athena's school.

Athena attended with me but she had to sit alone in the audience as I sat and stood at the front of the meeting. 

When I asked if anyone wanted to take a look at the PTO constitution Athena raised her hand. I quietly told her she didn't need to look at it.

When the treasurer asked if anyone wanted to look at the budget Athena raised her hand. I quietly told Athena she didn't need to see the budget.

Any time I asked for a raise of hands during the meeting Athena raised hers!

Then when I asked for a vote on our new Communications Secretary everyone in the room raised their hand except Athena. Then I asked for a raise of hands for anyone opposed to the new communications secretary and Athena raised her hand! Half the room giggled.

Difficult girl.

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