Monday, May 10, 2021

Athena's Weekend News

 Every week at school Athena is asked to write about her weekend. What she actually did. 

I realized she was making up her weekend news journal stories when I saw that she wrote about going to Disneyland with her family. She drew a picture of us there. 

Soon after that she wrote about visiting Mars over the weekend. lol

Her teacher reminds her that it needs to be the truth, what she actually experienced over the weekend. As simple as playing with friends or having video game day.

Today after school I looked at Athena's weekend news and it showed her playing outside with a dog. The news reads "I have a dog. His name is Chochoe. Every weekend I play with him. We play fetch. We love each other."

She doesn't have a dog! She does have a toy dog and that's what she was talking about. But she adjusted to seem like her dog is real. haha

Her brothers cracked up as I read them the article to them.

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