Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Update on the Kids


Athena learned about the Cheshire cat, from Alice in Wonderland…when I started hosting Wonderland tea parties. However, she got it stuck in her head that it is pronounced Majeshire Cat. She always says “majeshire cat”…as if that’s his name. It’s actually cute and funny. I remind her the real name and she almost immediately reverts back to majeshire.


Tiberias found a new friend at Middle School…Kai. He likes manga/anime. He lives here on the east side and is about the same age. That’s exciting and wonderful. Now Ty, Logan, Kai ,sometimes Brandon and sometimes Escher run around making up games they call “Larping.”But more than acting things out they just verbally create characters and a story and walk around creating this story. They don’t dress up for it but they do sometimes carry around toy weapons, swinging them around , as they talk.


Lachoneus is in high school now. One day at the beginning of the school year I went to his school to substitute. I was in the lunch room monitoring the entire school during their lunch break when I observed Luke. He sat at a table with three friends. Two I knew and one new friend. 1st, I was excited that Luke is social enough to choose to sit with friends. The high school has a “wall flower” option; nice comfy chairs for sitting alone …against the wall, with a tray table, watching the rest of the high schoolers. 2nd I was excited that Luke had a new friend…and furthermore…this friend dressed and looked like a normal kid. Not a weird kid. Luke is weird and his friends are weird. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I myself, Tiffany, was weird in high school (by choice)! Normal was boring. I wanted to have fun! I wanted to be different in an interesting way.

It wasn’t long though before this new friend showed his true colors. He placed his lunch bag over his hair…on top of his head and left it there for 35 minutes! Until the bell rang.



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