They both want to sit on my lap but I cannot hold the book and two kids at the same time.
Tiberias loves to grab the book and try to grab the illustrations. Lachoneus wants to see the pictures...without a baby blocking his view.
Luke will sit and view the illustrations as I read the book. Tiberias is too young to sit still.
So I do two different story times a day now. And it works. I love having story time with each boy individually.
Lately Tiberias is old enough to enjoy some of Luke's big boy toys. Ridding in Luke's Cozy Coupe car or on his tricycle. He cannot reach the peddles on the back but he can hold onto the handle bars. He cannot reach the floor to drive himself around in the car but Lachoneus likes pushing it around for him. And Tiberias moves the steering wheel the whole is so cute!
Tiberias turned 8 months old yesterday. He also learned to stand in his crib and has been doing so at the end of sleeping. So we lowered the level of the mattress to ensure his safety. He cannot fall out of the crib now we are certain. It made us realize that in just a few months we may be turning that crib into a toddler bed for Ty! Lachoneus was 13 months old when he started climbing (and falling) out of his crib! We had to take down the crib for his safety and give him another bed.
I think Tiberias will walk early. Lachoneus started walking in his 10th month. Tiberias can already pull himself up onto his feet, holding onto things. He looooves walking around while holding someone's hands.
Lachoneus is really good at counting now. This morning he counted from 1 to 10 while he pointed to each cookie he was counting in a book. He can count 1 to 10 properly and then says "even, telve, urteen." I think 14 is as high as he can count in order.
But he does not know his colors. We worked on learning the color blue for a week and a half. Now we're learning yellow. He sometimes seems to know the color blue and sometimes he does not.
Tiberias is great at crawling now! I love that he does not have to stay in one spot or cry. He can go where he wants to. The only problem is that he usually wants to go wherever Mom is so he can cry to be held. And he hates crawling on the tile floor, or walking on it. Since we live in Italy all our floors are tile! We have a large rug in the living room and a small rug too. But Tiberias does not want to be limited to staying on the rugs.
These two boys are lucky to have each other. They are adorable and they like being brothers. I just have to watch them and intervene when Lachoneus tries to play too rough. Ty likes playing rough but Luke seems to forget that Ty is still just a baby.