Friday, April 8, 2011

7mos and 2yrs 9mos

Luke has learned to answer "yes" and "no." He has learned to use more words and even sentences sometimes. Two days ago Lisa, our friend from EDIS who comes to play with Luke, was successful at teaching Luke to answer the question "What is your name?" His old response to that question was "What is your name."

Lachoneus is not yet potty trained. He still wear underwear all day even at naptime. But he has accidents and does not tell us when he needs to go potty. He does not go sit on the potty unless I make him. But most boys don't potty train until atleast 3yrs old.

Tiberias has not had a desire to be mobile. We've been trying to teach him to crawl. He is very good at getting himself up onto his hands and knees. But he had no interest in crawling. He only got up on his knees to get closer to me, hoping I would pick him up. When I would not pick him up he would just flop back down onto his belly.
However, yesterday he started to make progress. He scooted forward on his belly for the first time! That same evening, on his hands and knees, he moved one knee forward and then the next! He didn't move his arms though so he didn't get anywhere. But we are excited he made that first move!

Tiberias is old enough that he wants time with his daddy as much as Lachoneus does.

Ty and Luke are cute friends. They still like laughing together and rough much as a baby can rough house. Tiberias is a talented forehead bonker. lol. He's 7months old but has been able to gently bonk heads with people since maybe 3months old! Impressive!

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