Tiberias now picks on Luke. Teases him and sometimes tries to hurt him.
Sometimes Luke squishes (whole body) Tiberias though and I have to tell him to let Ty up because he's whining for help.
Luke loves singing now. He sings when he's on the toilet or laying in bed trying to get sleepy at night. He knows the words to primary songs and it's so cute.
Tiberias has an interest in conducting music. At church he mimics the chorister in sacrament meeting. So cute! I have an interest in conducting myself. I plan to learn sometime soon...when I find the time.
Tiberias is showing some desire for independence. He tries to get his shirt off by himself or put on his own shoe. He cannot successfully do these things but he gets frustrated if I try to help him sometimes.
Tiberias is now obsessed with books. His absolute favorite book is "See How I Grow"by Angela Wilkes. It shows a baby new born and shows pictures every few months as she gets bigger and learns new things. I think he is fascinated with tiny babies now. But I'm not ready to have baby #3 yet.
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