Sunday, May 12, 2019


Tiberias turns 9 in August.
I am so thankful for the progress he has made in his behavior in the last few years! He still feels like he cannot control his anger but I tell you...he has come a looong way!

He is not as argumentative as he use to be either. Sometimes he goes back to that drive to argue about everything. But not that often.

Tiberias has always been a sweet sweet boy. He is very sympathetic to others. He feels so much emotion! He is my little emo boy. lol

His favorite game right now is Telestrations. You can't play that game alone though! The more people the better. He wants to play it every single day. Sometimes Luke and I will play with him. Sometimes he gets neighbor friends to come over and play it after school. And sometimes he has to go a whole day without playing it.

After church today (Mother's day) we were driving home. Sterling and I told the kids that when we arrive home they needed to stay in their church clothes for our video call to Ster's parents.
The kids asked "why?" We answered "because we want you to look good for the video call."
Tiberias got a little offensive and responded "I don't look ugly in my spiderman pants!"
We all laughed out loud. Ty was talking about his pajamas but it sounded funny.

Ty loves writing stories, though his spelling is wrong. And then handing them over to Luke or myself to read them as written. Not to read them as we think he meant but as he actually wrote them. That way they turn into these silly nonsense sentences. He cracks up hearing his stories read nonsensically!
However, in the new school they want him to know how to spell correctly. Unlike the last school that didn't care. Both boys are now expected to learn how to spell words the right way. They have such a hard time with that.

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