Thursday, November 7, 2019

Athena: "Is Santa Real?"

Today we were driving in the car; Sterling, Athena and I. Athena then asked the question..."Is Santa real?" She is almost 6 years old now. And she was secretly questioning the legitimacy of Santa, Easter Bunny...anyone who is actually a person in a costume. She could see it this last 12 months...the zipper or velcro line on the back of the costumes.

Sterling and I have mastered answering this question by now. The answer we find best for children...
"No, Santa is not real. But remember how much fun it is to believe in Santa? It's up to you to keep that magic alive for other children. Don't ever tell other kids that Santa is not real. You don't want to make them sad."
Sterling added that if you want presents you have to pretend Santa is real. That's the fun of Christmas.

She was happy to know that she knows the truth. And she reassured us she would not tell other children. We shall see.

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