Friday, July 16, 2021


 Wearing a leather jacket and a pair of jean pants Tiberias said with confidence "Jeans make you look coo-ool."

My boys wouldn't wear the jeans I had stocked their drawers with so I removed them and hid them in the top of their closet in case they end up wanting them later on.

Recently Tiberias saw the movie "The Matrix" with Luke and Sterling. So when Tiberias found a leather jacket at the thrift store he bought it. Then the next day he asked "Where are my jeans? I need jean pants."

I brought some out for him and he put on his leather jacket with the jeans. Then he was happy. He looked cool. 

Even though he hasn't seen "Grease"(movie) or "Happy Days" (tv show) he looks like he has copied them . :)

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