Thursday, January 9, 2020


Athena isn't terrible at speaking. As a toddler and a little kid I could understand her most of the time even if other people couldn't.
Now she is about to turn 6. The funny thing she says is the word "the." T. H. E.
She pronounces it as "duh."

She is learning to read. The book her school has her practicing right now is called "Let's Make A Cake."
Here is how she read the story...

"Put duh butter in duh bowl. Put duh flour in duh bowl. Put the eggs in duh bowl. Put duh sugar in duh bowl. Put duh batter in duh pan. Put duh pan in duh oven. Put duh icing on duh cake. Yum!"

It's adorable! But I have tried many times to help her learn to correctly say "the" and she just can't do it! I wonder how old she will be when she finally gets it.

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