Sunday, December 1, 2013

Proud of Our Children

Tiberias tends to not say the "s" at the beginning of "s" words. Stop he pronounces as "top", School is "cool". It's so cute but sometimes makes it hard to understand him. I just have to figure out what he's saying. He has a large vocabulary and isn't shy to speak though.

Sterling and I are so proud of Ty's learning to wear underwear to bed at night. He has had 9 dry nights in a row now.

I am so proud of Luke. He can do so many things on his own. He is helpful and such a big boy.
A few months ago I worried about his whining and throwing fits when he doesn't get what he wants. He will be attending Kindergarten, halfway through the school year, in South Dakota and I don't want him to go there and act like a baby.
But lately he is doing so much better. He doesn't whine or throw fits very often.
I have been homeschooling the boys even though Luke should be in Kindergarten this year. So I am eager to get him into a real school and find out what they are teaching to see where Luke is on their scale. He can read small words and read a whole book "Snug House Bug House" the other day. He can write most of his letters without looking to see how they should be done. He likes writing words when I tell him how to spell them. He has started learning money. He has started doing addition and subtraction problems using counting bears. And he is great at mazes and continuing patterns. He knows the days of the week and I think he knows the seasons. We go over the seasons occasionally but I have not quizzed him about it.

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