Sunday, April 26, 2020

Having a 6 year old girl

My 6 year old keeps me constantly busy if I let her.
As I was making my breakfast she came into the kitchen and started prepping to make jello. Jello takes hours to make so she wanted to get it going early. But she needed my help. So, as I drank my smoothie I helped make jello.
Then an hour later I began my workout using Just Dance games. Athena came in and coaxed me to allow her to choose every other song and dance with me.
As we were dancing I noticed a puzzle she had made, messed up on the floor. I told her to clean it up. She then told me she was so proud of it when she completed it that she was trying to slide it across the floor to the other room where I had been, to show it off. But it got messed up in the slide. So she asked if, after dancing, I would help her put it together again so I can see the finished product. I agreed.
Lol. Some days I just say "no." But today is a "yes" day.

Lately she has become a gabby girl. She wants to talk and talk and talk.
Most of it is stories that start with "What if..."
I try to blog the cutest ones now and then. It can be annoying when she talks too much but sometimes it is just cute.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Talking in Their Sleep

Athena cannot wake up to go use the toilet after she has fallen asleep. Atleast, not really wake up. She keeps her eyes closed as much as possibly and just cries when she has to use the toilet in the night...and she's 6 years old! Ster or I have to physically put her on the toilet.
Otherwise, she is just crying and talking jibberish. Saying things that make no sense! Like she's still asleep and in dreamland. Dreaming of what? Whatever it is it makes no sense to me!

If you ask her questions her answers are hard to hear and make no sense. haha

Tiberias does the same thing but usually only when sleeping in a place he is unfamiliar with. If he goes to a sleepover he will sleep walk and talk in his sleep. Speaking jibberish...making no sense at all...and not opening his eyes.

A few days ago Tiberias walked into my room to talk to Ster and I. It was the middle of the day. Ty had not been sleeping. But he came into our room speaking total nonsense!
I can't recall the exact wording and topics but it went something like this...
"Do you ever go on a ride?"...(before allowing us to respond he continued with)"I had something from the store!"

Sterling and I could not figure out what he trying to ask or tell us. It was utter nonsense! We started cracking up.

2018 March

St. Patty church outfit pictures of Athena. 

 Athena typically doesn't beat herself up but this week...
She was riding a scooter on the sidewalk and fell. That scraped up her face pretty good! The very next day she fell off a stool in the kitchen and got a black eye! That same day she scraped her chest also!
The day after that (today) she got up on the counter where she doesn't belong and fell off. Smacking her forehead onto the kitchen floor (luckily we don't have a hard tile floor). So tomorrow she will likely have a brand new bruise to display. :(

Friday, April 17, 2020

Pretty Eggs and Scary Faces

Often when I say "Say Cheese" my kids try too hard. Their eyes almost pop out of their heads and they show me too much teeth! Like this...

 Usually I do not save those photos. But it usually happens.

For Easter this year we dyed eggs. They were so pretty! The kids dont like eating them for the most part. But we made them put them in the fridge so they wouldn't go bad anyway.
A few days later Ster and I started eating their eggs. They were so sad. They are too pretty to eat!
But, too yummy to waste. haha

Ty Stories

Ty's Bad Spelling Makes Funny Stories

Last school year Tiberias didn't know how to spell most words correctly. He was still sounding it out and spelling the way it sounded...which turns out wrong.
But he discovered a long time ago that if he wrote a story and had someone else read it...Luke or Mom, it would be a very funny story. 
There are many awesome and creative stories and he loves writing them. Most of them are about himself and Brandon his best friend.

Here is one of his more recent stories(read it as it is written, not as what you think he was trying to say):
Koopaling Desashter

Deku and Larry my Frend 2
I werk very hard at Bawser's kasle. He gevse me alot of werk to do. I get a 5 minote brak evry awr.
At the end of the day.
He throse me into the dungen wer I sleep. I saw Deku. Shhh Deku seid Im guna get you awt of her.
Deku opend the door to the dungen.
Deku therow a rock at the window it looked like Larry jumped awt Bawser came to kheck on Larry. Larry Bawser yelld. Deku and Larry leffed they wer going dawn the sters enthen so Lowd Wig.
 Lowd Wig chasing Deku and Larry. Shoting pawer blasts from his wand.
We canfyosd him. We past the star fite. Quick Deku hid in my shell it's Wendy and Igiy.
Ha Wendy and Igiy Bawser sent me to chek the earea for heros. Thay sumtims sneck in. One mor kors the Boo.
The Boo started to chas after us. We trid to kunfus it.But it didn't werk.
Larry polld awt his want and destoyd it. Deku and Larry wer free.

Sudenley all the koopalings ran and wer rite infrunt of them shoting wand pawer. Larry yousd all of his want pawer to defet the koopalings. Thay got sent to jall. Deku and Larry won. The End

Rock Collecting

At Yokota Air Base rock decorating, hiding and hunting has become a new trend recently.
One day we went to hide painted from Luke, one from Ty, one from Athena and one from Mom. We went on a walk to a playground and we hid our rocks along the way. We also saw many decorated rocks along the way.
Athena found an awesome shark rock on our street. She wanted to keep it so she took it with her. Then she found another rock she loved and wanted to keep that too. I told her she could only keep one rock.

But as we went she found more rocks she loved and wanted to keep. She wanted to collect them in her arms and carry them on our walk ...that would be have gotten heavy...carrying all those rocks.
Then she would put them in her room. A room full of rocks! Silly girl.
Good thing mom is here to keep her from carrying rocks around all the time. haha

 Hiding Ty's Larry rock and Luke's Capie:

So Cute It's Funny

This morning I made pancakes. Normally I let them cool down a few minutes before I call the kids in to grab one to eat. But Athena has a nose for sugar and sweet things. She can sniff out candy or anything sweet no matter how hard I try to hide it. HAHA
So as soon as there were pancakes on the plate Athena was in the kitchen and grabbed one from the plate. I told her "They are hot!"
She responded "That's hands are cold." Sterling was in the kitchen and he thought it was so cute he had to laugh. She is adorable.

Wrestling with Daddy

The kids' favorite thing to do with their daddy is wrestle.
Every time it happens about the same way... one or more of the kids say "Dad, can we wrestle?"
Dad says "Daddies don't wrestle!" The kids used to protest saying "Yes you do!"
Lately they are getting tired of the same response from dad so they say "You say that every time!"
Then Dad might say "Mommies wrestle! Ask your mom." The kids know better..."Mom doesn't wrestle!"

They start wrestling on hands and knees upstairs because downstairs is all hard floors.
They climb on daddy and ride him like he's a horse. They get pretty rowdy during wrestling!
Mom stays out of it! I don't want to get hurt.

The kids love Sterling becoming a monster and capturing them one at a time. Once captured he tickles them, gently slaps them and gently tortures them. They love it! When they get free they may run away but they come back again as if they are saying "Torture me daddy! Beat me up next!" HAHA

Someday when the kids are grown they will remember wrestling with daddy. Just as I remember riding my dad like a horse and jumping on the trampoline with him. Those are precious moments.